Sunday, April 26, 2009

What does technology integration mean to me?

Technology integration is having a fully implemented technology syllabus in each course that the students are studying. It is more than just having students create a website or a film with their peers or for them to learn word processing skills in a computer lab at their school for one of their core courses. In a collaborative multimedia project students use a whole new set of skills and depend on their peers in ways that were not done in the past. Teachers accept a new paradigm for accepting and grading student work in a variety of different types of media. Integration is when a student and teacher go beyond the private submission of written texts and exams between the teacher and the individual student.

To be a facilitator of technology integration requires a great deal of flexibility and open mindedness from the teacher as well as the administration in the school. Teachers must continue to take classes, attend workshops, conferences, and meet with colleagues. Teachers must also be avid readers of educational blogs, wikis, podcasts, professional journals, skype and twitter. They must stay abreast of technology and education trends and how they relate to student learning. For a teacher to be a successful integrator they must plan classes regularly, be informed and reference curriculum for the different grade levels. As Dave C. would like to say you have to nurture your Personal Learning Network (PLN) so that you can grow as an instructor.


Bannon. B. & Puckett. K. (2007). Preparing to use Technology. Boston: Pearson Education.


  1. I completely agree with you on that it is so much more then having students create a website it is intergrating it in the curriculum. What a great point? Also, agree with that teachers need to up to date wit tecnhology and education trends

  2. I am glad you talked about how important the teacher's role is in technology integration. It seems so easy to integrate technology but really it takes a lot of time and effort for both the teachers and administration. Everyone needs to be on board for integration to go well.

  3. "Nuture your PLN" Hmmm, would I say that?

    I think you hit the nail when you said that the teacher needs to continue to grow and keep an open mind. Be a reader of blogs, wikis, and participate in ongoing discussions.

    You're right, it is important important to make sure there is a purpose behind what you're doing, not just "this sounded cool."

  4. Flexibility is definitely so important! Things don't always 'work' the way we need them to, which can be even more frustrating if we are not flexible!
